Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Midland Arts & Antiques Market

We'll take browsing at Midland any day over hitting any other local mall. Even if you don't think you have an interest in antiques, you should head downtown and take a look around. First of all, they are in an incredibly cool old industrial building which is just nifty in and of itself. Also, there are some really artistic people behind the scenes here because they definitely have a way with displaying the goodies. They make very inviting "rooms" with their wares and you can really see how you could make some of the pieces work in your home. Plus, works by local artists are interspersed throughout so that really makes things interesting. The above picture is of an Indy car that they had there made out of Lite-Brite bulbs. It was pretty cool and worth the trip to take a look. If, by chance, you are looking for Moderntone dishes (as we were this past weekend), this is a good place to find them. Of course, it's a good place to find all kinds of things that you might not even know that you need so plan a trip downtown to visit Midland.

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