Friday, June 19, 2009

Scenes from... The Central Canal Towpath

We love walking the Central Canal Towpath because we're almost always sure to see turtles.

We love this house seen from the Towpath.

There must be some wild nights in the canal because we see colorings on the water fowl here that we don't see anywhere else.

We named this one "Chocolate".

We enjoyed a stroll along part of the Central Canal Towpath yesterday afternoon. We usually park at the canal in Broad Ripple and make it to the Butler campus before we decide it's time to turn around. We like admiring the homes of Rocky Ripple and watching the turtles float by.


baikinange said...

I love the crazy Miami Mafia house too! It's almost as great as the house on Kessler just west of Binford. I wish I lived there.

WYA! said...

It is soooooo funny that you call it that because we always thought it looked EXACTLY how you describe it! Hmm, we bet you mean that crazy house with all the dolphin statues on Kessler. Yes, we pass that all the time and love it.