Indianapolis Vegetarian Society let us know that they have what sounds like will be a very fun and delicious event coming up on August 15th. It's their
Savor the Summer Garden event hosted by the
Chef's Academy. The Chef's Academy will create a buffet of vegetarian foods including dishes such as chickpea mini-burgers and lavender and lemon sorbet- yum! Regular readers know that we're not vegetarians, but we eat like we are a lot of them time. Mrs. WYA! in particular loves vegetables and finds that Chef Mr. WYA! can do most anything with beans, tofu, or tempeh that can be done with meat (in fact, we can't wait to try a bean meatloaf recipe that we just found). We're pretty sure we won't be booted out because we're not vegetarians so, if you're not either, you might want to check it out if, for no other reason, to get some creative ideas for preparing vegetables.
Tickets are only $12 for adults and $6 for children 4-10 (3 and under are free). Seating is limited and tickets are only available in advance at
Whole Foods (in Nora and Carmel) and at
Brownpapertickets.com. The event is from 1P-3P and we look forward to being there.